Kaaba Is Not A Hindu Temple

Kaaba Is Not A Hindu Temple

Saturday, 8 October 2011

Exposing the reality of "‘Sayar-ul-Okul’" !

By Imran Khan.

In my previous article I have debunked the existence and reality of mythical text, it's mythical author and it's mythical location. Now one may ask, if that is myth what the hell is this ?

If  Sayar ul-Okul does not exist, then what the hell is this ?

The text of the crucial Vikramaditya inscription, found inscribed on a gold dish hung inside the Kaaba shrine in Mecca, is found recorded on page 315 of a volume known as ‘Sayar-ul-Okul’ treasured in the Makhtab-e-Sultania library in Istanbul, Turkey. Rendered in free English the inscription says:

"Fortunate are those who were born (and lived) during king Vikram’s reign. He was a noble, generous dutiful ruler, devoted to the welfare of his subjects. But at that time we Arabs, oblivious of God, were lost in sensual pleasures. Plotting and torture were rampant. The darkness of ignorance had enveloped our country. Like the lamb struggling for her life in the cruel paws of a wolf we Arabs were caught up in ignorance. The entire country was enveloped in a darkness so intense as on a new moon night. But the present dawn and pleasant sunshine of education is the result of the favour of the noble king Vikramaditya whose benevolent supervision did not lose sight of us- foreigners as we were. He spread his sacred religion amongst us and sent scholars whose brilliance shone like that of the sun from his country to ours. These scholars and preceptors through whose benevolence we were once again made cognisant of the presence of God, introduced to His sacred existence and put on the road of Truth, had come to our country to preach their religion and impart education at king Vikramaditya’s behest."

For those who would like to read the Arabic wording I reproduce it hereunder in Roman script:

"Itrashaphai Santu Ibikramatul Phahalameen Karimun Yartapheeha Wayosassaru Bihillahaya Samaini Ela Motakabberen Sihillaha Yuhee Quid min howa Yapakhara phajjal asari nahone osirom bayjayhalem. Yundan blabin Kajan blnaya khtoryaha sadunya kanateph netephi bejehalin Atadari bilamasa- rateen phakef tasabuhu kaunnieja majekaralhada walador. As hmiman burukankad toluho watastaru hihila Yakajibaymana balay kulk amarena phaneya jaunabilamary Bikramatum".

(Page 315 Sayar-ul-okul).

[Note: The title ‘Saya-ul-okul’ signifies memorable words.]


As  stated in my previous article, I proved through references and proofs that no such thing as
‘Saya-ul-okul’ ever existed or exists in the world. Now what about the couplet from the alleged ‘Saya-ul-okul’ ?

Mr P N Oak after presenting the english translation states that, "For those who would like to read the Arabic wording I reproduce it hereunder in Roman script" I tried my best to translate the so called ARABIC-ROMANIAN version into english but was unable to do so even by using the best of translators online.

Here are the best translators online, that could not even translate a SINGLE sentence! I doubt it to be a language rather it sounds like a new language created by Mr Oak himself!




But I translated the English version into various world famous languages and found a very interesting point that Mr Oak missed, poor chap! One cannot hide the truth from the world forever.

English Version:

"Fortunate are those who were born (and lived) during king Vikram’s reign. He was a noble, generous dutiful ruler, devoted to the welfare of his subjects. But at that time we Arabs, oblivious of God, were lost in sensual pleasures. Plotting and torture were rampant. The darkness of ignorance had enveloped our country. Like the lamb struggling for her life in the cruel paws of a wolf we Arabs were caught up in ignorance. The entire country was enveloped in a darkness so intense as on a new moon night. But the present dawn and pleasant sunshine of education is the result of the favour of the noble king Vikramaditya whose benevolent supervision did not lose sight of us- foreigners as we were. He spread his sacred religion amongst us and sent scholars whose brilliance shone like that of the sun from his country to ours. These scholars and preceptors through whose benevolence we were once again made cognisant of the presence of God, introduced to His sacred existence and put on the road of Truth, had come to our country to preach their religion and impart education at king Vikramaditya’s behest."

Hindi Translation:

भाग्यशाली जो पैदा हुआ रहता था राजा विक्रम शासनकाल के दौरान और (थे) कर रहे हैं। वह एक नोबल, उदार पल्लू शासक, उनके विषयों के कल्याण के लिए समर्पित था। लेकिन उस समय हम अरब, भगवान के, बेखबर सुख भोग में खो गए थे। बड़े पैमाने पर थे की साजिश रचने और यातना। अज्ञान के अंधेरे हमारा देश छा था। उसके जीवन में एक भेड़िया के क्रूर पंजे के लिए संघर्ष कर मेमने का विवाह की तरह हम अरबों अज्ञानता में ऊपर पकड़े गए थे। पूरे देश एक नई चंद्रमा की रात को इतनी गहन के रूप में एक अंधेरे में छा गया था। लेकिन वर्तमान डॉन और शिक्षा के सुखद सनशाइन नोबल राजा  विक्रमादित्य जिसका उदार पर्यवेक्षण हमें विदेशियों की दृष्टि खो नहीं किया था के रूप में हम थे के पक्ष का परिणाम है। वह हमारे बीच उनके पवित्र धर्म प्रसार और विद्वानों की तरह है कि हमारे अपने देश से सूर्य की जिनकी प्रतिभा shone भेजा है। इन विद्वानों और जिनकी परोपकार के माध्यम से हम एक बार फिर से उनके पवित्र अस्तित्व के लिए शुरू की है और सच्चाई की सड़क पर रख दिया भगवान, की उपस्थिति के cognisant किए गए preceptors उनके धर्म प्रचार और विक्रमादित्य के इशारे पर शिक्षा प्रदान करने के लिए हमारे देश के लिए आया था

Romanian Translation:
Norocoşi sunt cei care s-au născut (şi a trăit) în timpul domniei regelui Vikram lui. El a fost un nobil, generos cuminte conducător, dedicată bunăstării subiectele sale. Dar, la acel moment am arabi, orb a lui Dumnezeu, s-au pierdut în plăcerile senzuale. Complot şi tortură au fost extravagant. Intunericul ignorantei a învăluit în ţara noastră. Ca Mielului luptându-se pentru viaţa ei în labele crude de un lup suntem arabi au fost prinşi în ignoranţă. Întreaga țară a fost învăluit în un întuneric atât de intense ca pe o noapte de Luna noua. Dar zorii prezente şi soare plăcută de educaţie este rezultatul favoarea regelui nobile Vikramaditya ale căror supraveghere binevoitoare nu a pierdut vedere ne-străinilor, ca am fost. El a răspândi religia lui sacră printre noi şi trimis savanţi ale căror stralucirea strălucea cum ar fi cea a soarelui din ţara sa a noastră. Aceste savanţii şi preceptors prin bunavointa ale căror dată am s-au făcut cognisant de prezenţa lui Dumnezeu, introdus la existenţa lui sacru şi pus pe drum de adevăr, a venit la ţara noastră să predice religia lor şi da educaţie la porunca regelui Vikramaditya lui.

Chez Translation:

Šťastní jsou ti, kteří se narodili (a žil) během panování krále Vikrame. Byl to šlechetný a štědré oddaný vládce, věnované blaho své poddané. Ale v té době jsme Arabové, nevšímavý Boha, ztratili v smyslné potěšení. Kreslení a mučení byly nekontrolovatelná. Temnot nevědomosti obklopila naší země. Jako jehněčí bojující o její život v kruté tlapy Vlk Arabové byli jsme chyceni v nevědomosti. Celá země byla zahalena tma tak intenzivní jako na noc úplňku. Ale současné dawn a příjemné sluníčko vzdělání je výsledkem prospěch šlechetný král Vikramaditya jehož shovívavou dohledu neztratili pohled nás cizinci, jak jsme byli. Šíření jeho posvátné náboženství mezi nás a poslal učenci, jejíž jas zářily jako které slunce ze své země, aby naše. Tyto učenci a právě tqmuto úkolu, prostřednictvím jehož shovívavost jsme byli opět udělali vědom přítomnosti Boha, představil jeho posvátné existence a na cestu pravdy, přišli do naší země kázat jejich náboženství a rozšiřovat vzdělání na příkaz krále Vikramaditya

Dutch Translation

Gelukkig zijn die geboren waren (en leefde) tijdens de regeerperiode van koning Vikram's. Hij was een nobele, gul plichtmatige heerser, gewijd aan het welzijn van zijn onderwerpen. Maar op dat moment werden wij Arabieren, zich niet bewust van God, verloor in de sensuele genoegens. Plotten en foltering waren welig tiert. De duisternis van onwetendheid had ons land gehuld. Als het Lam strijden voor haar leven in de wrede poten van een wolf werden we Arabieren verstrikt in onwetendheid. Het hele land was gehuld in een duisternis zo intens als op een nacht nieuwe maan. Maar de huidige dageraad en aangename zonneschijn van onderwijs is het resultaat van de gunst van de nobele koning Vikramaditya waarvan welwillende toezicht niet ons-buitenlanders uit het oog verliezen als we waren. Hij verspreid zijn heilige religie onder ons en geleerden waarvan schittering zoals die van de zon uit zijn land naar ons scheen verzonden. Deze geleerden en preceptors door middel waarvan welwillendheid we nogmaals uit het oog verliezen van de aanwezigheid van God gemaakt, ingevoerd om zijn heilige bestaan en op de weg van de waarheid, was gekomen om ons land om te prediken van hun godsdienst en het geven van onderwijs op aandringen van koning Vikramaditya

French Translation:

Fortunés sont ceux qui sont nés (et vécut) pendant le règne du roi Vikram. Il était un dirigeant consciencieux noble, généreux, consacré au bien-être de ses sujets. Mais à ce moment-là arabes, inconscients de Dieu, nous avons été perdus dans les plaisirs sensuels. Un complot et torture ont été rampants. L'obscurité de l'ignorance avait enveloppé de notre pays. Comme l'agneau qui luttent pour sa vie dans les pattes cruels d'un loup arabes nous avons été pris dans l'ignorance. L'ensemble du pays était enveloppé dans une obscurité si intense comme un soir de la nouvelle lune. Mais l'aube présent et agréable soleil de l'éducation est le résultat de la faveur du roi noble Vikramaditya dont bienveillante surveillance n'a pas perdu la vue d'us-étrangers comme nous étions. Il propager sa religion sacrée parmi nous et envoyé érudits dont brillance brillé comme celle du soleil de son pays à la nôtre. Ces savants et des précepteurs grâce à la bienveillance dont nous avons fait une fois de plus conscients de la présence de Dieu, a présenté à son existence sacrée et mis sur la voie de la vérité, étaient venu à notre pays de prêcher leur religion et de répandre l'éducation sur ordre du roi Vikramaditya.---

Italian Translation

Fortunati sono quelli che erano nati (e vissuto) durante il Regno di re Vikram. Egli era un sovrano doveroso nobile, generoso, dedicato al benessere dei suoi sudditi. Ma in quel momento noi arabi, ignari di Dio, stavamo perso nei piaceri sensuali. Tramando e tortura erano dilagante. Le tenebre dell'ignoranza avevano avvolto il nostro paese. Come l'agnello che lottano per la sua vita nelle zampe crudele di un lupo noi arabi eravamo coinvolti nell'ignoranza. L'intero paese era avvolto in un buio così intenso come in una notte di luna nuova. Ma l'alba presente e piacevole sole dell'istruzione è il risultato del favore del nobile re Vikramaditya cui benevola supervisione non ha fatto perdere di vista di noi-stranieri come eravamo. Egli sviluppa la sua religione sacro tra noi e inviato studiosi cui brillantezza brillava come quella del sole dal suo paese alla nostra. Questi studiosi e precettori attraverso cui benevolenza noi stavamo ancora una volta fatto consapevoli della presenza di Dio, ha introdotto alla sua esistenza sacro e messo sulla strada della verità, erano venuto al nostro paese di predicare la loro religione e impartire l'educazione al volere del re Vikramaditya

Norwegian Translation:

Heldige er de som var født (og bodde) under Kong Vikram regjeringstid. Han var en edel, sjenerøs pliktoppfyllende hersker, viet til velferd av sine undersåtter. Men på den tiden vi arabere, oblivious til Gud, gikk tapt i sensuelle gleder. Plotting og tortur var frodig. Mørke uvitenhet hadde enveloped vårt land. Som Lam sliter for hennes liv i grusom paws av en ulv var vi arabere fanget opp i uvitenhet. Hele landet var innhyllet i mørke så intens som på en new moon natt. Men nåværende dawn og hyggelig solskinn av utdanning er resultatet av favør edle kongens Vikramaditya som har velvillig tilsyn ikke miste av syne oss-utlendinger som vi. Han spre sin hellige religion blant oss og sendt forskere som har glans shone sånn av solen fra sitt land til våre. Disse forskere og preceptors gjennom med velvilje var vi nok en gang gjort cognisant av tilstedeværelse av Gud, introdusert til hans hellige eksistens og sette på veien for sannheten, hadde kommet til vårt land for å forkynne deres religion og formidle utdanning på behest av kong Vikramaditya—.

Portuguese Translation:

Afortunados são aqueles que nasceram (e viveu) durante o reinado do rei Vikram. Ele era um governante respeitoso nobre, generoso, dedicado ao bem-estar de seus súditos. Mas nesse momento nós árabes, esquecidos de Deus, perderam-se em prazeres sensuais. Plotagem e tortura foram galopante. A escuridão da ignorância tinha envelopados nosso país. Como o Cordeiro lutando por sua vida em cruéis patas de um lobo nós árabes foram apanhados na ignorância. Todo o país foi envolto em uma escuridão tão intensa como em uma noite de lua nova. Mas o amanhecer presente e sol agradável da educação é o resultado do favor do rei nobre Vikramaditya cujo controlo benevolente não perder de vista nos-estrangeiros como estávamos. Ele espalhou sua religião sagrado entre nós e enviou estudiosos cujo brilho brilhou como a do sol de seu país à nossa. Esses estudiosos e preceptores através de cuja benevolência fomos mais uma vez feitos cientes da presença de Deus, apresentou a sua existência sagrada e colocar no caminho da verdade, tinham chegado ao nosso país para pregar sua religião e dar educação a mando do rei Vikramaditya—.

Spanish Translation:

Afortunados son aquellos que nacieron (y vivió) durante el reinado del rey Vikram. Fue un gobernante obediente noble, generoso, dedicado al bienestar de sus súbditos. Pero en ese momento árabes, inconscientes de Dios, nos perdimos en placeres sensuales. Trazado y tortura fueron rampantes. La oscuridad de la ignorancia ha envuelto a nuestro país. Como el cordero que luchan por su vida en las patas de un lobo crueles árabes nos estábamos atrapados en la ignorancia. Todo el país estaba envuelto en una oscuridad tan intensa como en una noche de Luna nueva. Pero el amanecer presente y agradable Sol de educación es el resultado de los votos a favor del noble Rey Vikramaditya cuya supervisión benevolente no perder vista de nosotros-extranjeros como estábamos. Difundir su religión sagrada entre nosotros y envió a académicos cuyo brillo brilló como que el sol desde su país a la nuestra. Estos académicos y preceptores a través de cuya benevolencia que nuevamente nos hicimos conocedor de la presencia de Dios, presentó a su existencia sagrado y poner en el camino de la verdad, habían llegado a nuestro país a predicar su religión e impartir educación a instancias del rey Vikramaditya---

Arabic Translation:

حظاً هم أولئك الذين ولدوا (ويعيشون) خلال عهد الملك فيكرام. وكان النبيل، سخية مطيع مسطرة، مكرسة للرفاه رعاياه. ولكن في ذلك الوقت، نحن العرب، غافلين عن الله، فقدت في الملذات الحسية. التآمر والتعذيب متفشية. وكان يلفها ظلام الجهل بلدنا. مثل الضأن تناضل من أجل حياتها في آثار أقدام القاسية من ذئب نحن العرب يقعون في الجهل. وكان يلفها البلد بأكمله في ظلام كثافة حتى كليلة القمر الجديد. ولكن هذا الفجر والشمس المشرقة ممتعة للتعليم هو نتيجة لصالح الملك النبيل فيكراماديتيا الإشراف الخيرين الذين لا يغيب عن بالنا لنا الأجانب كما كنا. نشر دينه المقدسة بيننا، وأرسل العلماء الذين تألق ساطعة مثل الشمس من بلده إلى بلدنا. هذه العلماء ووالوعاظ من خلال الإحسان الذي نحن مرة أخرى قدمت مدركة لوجود الله، عرض لوجوده المقدس ووضعت على طريق الحقيقة، قد تأتي إلى بلادنا التبشير الدين وتلقيها التعليم إيعاز الملك فيكراماديتيا.

  Vikram’s     فيكرام
   Vikramaditya                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       فيكراماديتي 

Now Finally Mr P N Oak's Translation in the out of this world Language:

"Itrashaphai Santu Ibikramatul Phahalameen Karimun Yartapheeha Wayosassaru Bihillahaya Samaini Ela Motakabberen Sihillaha Yuhee Quid min howa Yapakhara phajjal asari nahone osirom bayjayhalem. Yundan blabin Kajan blnaya khtoryaha sadunya kanateph netephi bejehalin Atadari bilamasa- rateen phakef tasabuhu kaunnieja majekaralhada walador. As hmiman burukankad toluho watastaru hihila Yakajibaymana balay kulk amarena phaneya jaunabilamary Bikramatum".

Where are the word's "VIKRAM" and "VIKRAMADITYA" in the above paragraph ? As I have pointed it out in various world dialects, nowhere to be found! Hence the conclusion, "No such thing as ‘Sayer-ul-Okul’ ever existed or exists in this world, nor was there a person named “Abu Amir Asamai” to have compiled it, and neither there is any library by the name of “Makhatab-e-Sultania”  in Istanbul Turkey. Even the language/ dialect is fake as proved by above examples, hence All these characters are fictitious work of P N Oak. 

God knows best who your enemies are. God suffices as a Protector; God suffices as a Helper.
(Surat an-Nisa': 45)

…God always confounds the schemes of the disbelievers. (Surat al-Anfal: 18)

They concocted their plots, but their plots were with God, even if they were such as to make the mountains
vanish. (Surah Ibrahim: 46)

…But evil plotting envelops only those who do it. Do they expect anything but the pattern of previous
peoples? You will not find any changing in the pattern of God. You will not find any alteration in the pattern of
God. (Surah Fatir: 43)



  1. Alhamdulillah! :) you are really gifted bro.........may allah forgive all your sins and sent you to heaven on judgement day...... :)

    1. Hey buddy..Chill

      See the words bikram in Ibikramatul and Bikramatum

      Seems vikram and Biram are same....hence i guess it was a shiva temple.

  2. Read and understand translation properly.

  3. Hi!! all muslim friends, can u plz tell me what is inside Kabba. I'm sure u cannot because u always want it to be a secret.He he he he he ...... he, but we all Hindus knows it vry well why u all want to keep it as a secret.

    1. plse watch http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I-MimunZijM
      Kaaba is build by prophet ABRAHAM (A)and his son ISMAIL(A)for praying to GOD.Not for idole worship,
      before PROPHET MUHAMMED (PBUP)there were so many idols inside it,they all destroyed when islam arrived in Makkah

    2. Inside kaaba nothing, empty totally empty. build only for prayer,
      Kaaba is an empty room. there is no stone, no gold inside it. there used to be idols inside it which were removed by Prophet Muhammed (PBUh) himself when mecca was conquered . it is opened occasionally. people ( Muslims) may go inside and offer namaz(prayer). (http://wiki.answers.com/Q/What_is_inside_the_kaaba)....

  4. ha ha ha how ridiculous your article is and the proofs are regarding online translators.

    I just give you one paragraph in English and just try to translate in Hindi by using online translator and tell me by your common sense what actually the translation will of the sentence:-

    IS THERE at all or is there still a secret of the Veda? According to current conceptions the heart of that ancient mystery has been plucked out and revealed to the gaze of all, or rather no real secret ever existed. The hymns of the Veda are the sacrificial compositions of a primitive and still barbarous race written around a system of ceremonial and propitiatory rites, addressed to personified Powers of Nature and
    replete with a confused mass of half-formed myth and crude astronomical allegories yet in the making. Only in the later hymns
    do we perceive the first appearance of deeper psychological and moral ideas—borrowed, some think, from the hostile Dravidians, the “robbers” and “Veda-haters” freely cursed in the hymns themselves,—and, however acquired, the first seed of the later Vedantic speculations. This modern theory is in accord with the received idea of a rapid human evolution from the quite recent
    savage; it is supported by an imposing apparatus of critical research and upheld by a number of Sciences, unhappily still young
    and still largely conjectural in their methods and shifting in their results,—Comparative Philology, Comparative Mythology and the Science of Comparative Religion.

  5. o Leave that complete para, that will be a tiresome task for your brain just translate this sentence only by translators:-

    THERE are two necessities of Nature’s workings which seem always to intervene in the greater forms of human activity, whether these belong to our ordinary fields of movement or seek those exceptional spheres and fulfilments which appear to us high and divine.

  6. @ Chandan & cpdarshi: Do u doubt the Oak's English paragraph that I have translated into Hindi from the "n" number of Hindutva websites & Blogs that have quoted it?

    I have provided the links to the Translator that I have used and the translation from english to hindi is pretty good considering the fact that few words that could not be translated are presented in english itself!

    Now even if for the sake of argument if I consider that the translation is not right, here we are looking for the name "VIKRAM" and "VIKRAMADITYA", not the entire translation. And these words are absent in the original (Unknown language) presented by Oak.

    One of my friend above {vikramaditya} said that "Vikram is BIKRAMATUM" but if u see the original paragraph,

    {"Itrashaphai Santu Ibikramatul Phahalameen Karimun Yartapheeha Wayosassaru Bihillahaya Samaini Ela Motakabberen Sihillaha Yuhee Quid min howa Yapakhara phajjal asari nahone osirom bayjayhalem. Yundan blabin Kajan blnaya khtoryaha sadunya kanateph netephi bejehalin Atadari bilamasa- rateen phakef tasabuhu kaunnieja majekaralhada walador. As hmiman burukankad toluho watastaru hihila Yakajibaymana balay kulk amarena phaneya jaunabilamary Bikramatum".

    Here the first word is "Ibikramatul" and the last word is "Bikramatum", and there is no other such rhyming words other than these two words. Now let us see the english translation presented by Oak.

    {"Fortunate are those who were born (and lived) during king Vikram’s reign. He was a noble, generous dutiful ruler, devoted to the welfare of his subjects. But at that time we Arabs, oblivious of God, were lost in sensual pleasures. Plotting and torture were rampant. The darkness of ignorance had enveloped our country. Like the lamb struggling for her life in the cruel paws of a wolf we Arabs were caught up in ignorance. The entire country was enveloped in a darkness so intense as on a new moon night. But the present dawn and pleasant sunshine of education is the result of the favour of the noble king Vikramaditya whose benevolent supervision did not lose sight of us- foreigners as we were. He spread his sacred religion amongst us and sent scholars whose brilliance shone like that of the sun from his country to ours. These scholars and preceptors through whose benevolence we were once again made cognisant of the presence of God, introduced to His sacred existence and put on the road of Truth, had come to our country to preach their religion and impart education at king Vikramaditya’s behest."

    Here we have the word "Vikram’s" and the last word "Vikramaditya’s". Now if we consider that "Ibikramatul" is "Vikram’s" and "Bikramatum" is "Vikramaditya’s" then what about the third word inbetween english translation that is absent in the original paragraph?

    ...favour of the noble king Vikramaditya whose benevolent ....

    There should have been 2 "Bikramatum" but there is only 1.Check it out for urself,

    "Itrashaphai Santu Ibikramatul Phahalameen Karimun Yartapheeha Wayosassaru Bihillahaya Samaini Ela Motakabberen Sihillaha Yuhee Quid min howa Yapakhara phajjal asari nahone osirom bayjayhalem. Yundan blabin Kajan blnaya khtoryaha sadunya kanateph netephi bejehalin Atadari bilamasa- rateen phakef tasabuhu kaunnieja majekaralhada walador. As hmiman burukankad toluho watastaru hihila Yakajibaymana balay kulk amarena phaneya jaunabilamary Bikramatum".

    That itself exposes the claim!


  7. @ Shiva: {Hi!! all muslim friends, can u plz tell me what is inside Kabba. I'm sure u cannot because u always want it to be a secret.He he he he he ...... he, but we all Hindus knows it vry well why u all want to keep it as a secret.}

    Will you believe me what ever I say is or is not Inside the Kaaba?

    How would it be if I were to virtually take you inside the Kaaba so that you may yourself see what is in it.

    Nothing is secret in Islam, there need not be any. Islam is open to everyone to contemplate and analyze the truth for themselves.

    You can view the Insides of Kaaba in my new post.


  8. In the passage one word is 'yapakhara'. It is interesting to note that the word contains 'p', but there is no letter in classical Arabic which is equivalent to 'p'. This also proves that the passage is forgery.

    1. Do not umbridge, I am under the impression that the arabic part is actually sanskrit slokas which was engrossed in golden shield later was copied in arabic script.

  9. Arab came from sanskrit word arav which means horse which is named by vikramadithya if u want to know about pure islamic culture go to mecca but that islamic culture is not followed by any mosques in world,but u'll find that tradition followed by brahmins and hindus in ever temple which is followed in mecca another thing is u'll find brahmins in mecca

  10. @ Imraan
    There should have been 2 "Bikramatum" but there is only 1.Check it out for urself,

    1) "Itrashaphai Santu IBIKRAMatul Phahalameen Karimun Yartapheeha

    2) Yakajibaymana balay kulk amarena phaneya jaunabilamary BIKRAMatum

    Arabic is derived from sanskrit. Ibrahim means from Brahma. Brahman caste is a very highly educated and saintly class of scholars in Vedic India. However Muhammadan implies Mahan Madah 'a person of great Inspiration'

    The word Kaaba comes from sanskrit Garbha meaning womb or sanctum.
    Tsabaism comes from Sivaism - worship of Lord Shiva
    The black stone is the Shiv Lingum - the arabic version Sange Aswad is sanskrit Sanghey Ashweta (non white stone)
    Mecca is derived from Makkayaantu
    ZamZam is from Zamza referring to Ganga The sacred waters of the Ganges whose force is held at the top of Lord Shivas head.
    The ritual of circumambulating the kaaba seven times, showering flowers is Vedic.

    In conclusion all muslims worship lord Shiva indirectly knowingly or unknowingly. Any form of idol worship is supposed to be against Islam, however there is no means of justifying worship of the Kaaba or the footprints. Idolatry is idolatry. Same with Christians and the cross. Where there has been a conquest of propagating these 2 religions they have only revealed their dark side in violently and forcefully doing so. Such an oxymoron for the values in which they claim to own. Any God abiding religion, does not cause violence and death in it's wake. Where hindus have been branded devil worshippers the 2 religions Islam and Christianity have shown to be the creators of havoc, and hatefulness trying very hard to dominate an ancient and truthful way of life originally known as Sanatana Dharma. There is no such thing as a Hindu religion. These ancient people who settled along the banks of the Euphrates and Indus believe in One God Many names and Forms and in their wisdom have never undergone rampant conquests of violent conversions. However being violent and desirous was the lifestyle of non practitioners of Sanatana Dharma where Ahimsa (non violence) is the heart.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Other info about Arabia and the lands outside modern day India, they were ruled by great Vedic Kings who upheld Dharma. The dynasties were many and they ruled almost the entire world. The sacrifice known as Ashvameddha was only performed by a King who ruled all the land. So after the Mahabharat which took place on the land of Kuru corrupted to uruk, known recently as mesopotamia or babylon) Arjun performed the Ashvameddha sacrifice. Only 2 such sacrifices were ever done in over 200 000 years bce. So Arabians and all the world prior to islam were actually vedic. This is proven by artifacts many thousands of years old that have been discovered in north western and northern hemispheres just like in Kuwait. When man made divisions for political concerns they used religion for power control. Islam, christianity and Judaism and all other offshoots only happened within the last 3000 to 5000 years. The removal of deity worship if to reinstate the original belief in a monotheistic God was handled demonically by the very religions that claimed to know God, however greed and politics make for disaster.

    Indians (and everyone else) are supposed to follow Sanatana Dharma an eternal natural law which upholds the monotheistic God as omnipresent, omnipotent and omniscient. However due to too many years of deity worship the practitioners of Sanatana Dharma began to forget who the original God was and were worshipping the demi Gods and slaughtering, etc. That gave rise to Buddhism, where people were led away from scripture due their offenses. So Vegetarianism and care for sentient beings had to be reinstated. Ofcourse with the conquest of Islam and christianity and colonialism, allot of violence ensued. They killed Buddhists and the so-called Hindus. Worse is that people kill in the name of God and Religion and do such sinful things. Sanatana Dharma is peaceful and extends equal vision to ALL living entities. There is no discrimination between animals, plants and humans. All are life forms with a soul. The soul is a part and parcel of God. We are in God and God is in us we will do no harm to others. So why must there be divisions and hate if there is true spiritual understanding? It seems that the teachings are void of truth in these religion. If we all embrace our root which is to identify God within us and around us, there will be peace. Right now christians hate muslims, muslims hate Christians and despise the Jews, all three groups mass kill animals and try to condone it with false scripture.

    And what to say of those who call themselves Hindu? They haven't sought to convert anyone to hindu, but they have also become misled in all this divisional chaos. They have little understanding of their gift of the Gods, Dharma and vast spiritual wealth. They consume meat and eat Beef. Muslims learned the animal sacrifice ritual from the Vedas and know that they are supposed to whisper in the animals ear that in this life they have taken the animals life but in the next life they will become the animal and have their life taken. Hindus, some don't know their history, some are vegetarian, some practice rituals not knowing why. However for all divisions it is a question of your consciousness. If you really love God you would by now understand there is no difference in Gods subjects. God is the maker of everything. He is so Great and so merciful that He advents or sends messengers to guide us. Who are we to criticize and hate others? We must learn to see our similarities across divides. We are all brothers and sisters because our maker is One. We have been blessed with Intelligence so we must seek the path of Absolute Truth and abandon the false divisions that are set up to initiate hate and violence. Peace and knowledge to all.

  13. ""No such thing as ‘Sayer-ul-Okul’ ever existed or exists in this world, nor was there a person named “Abu Amir Asamai” to have compiled it, and neither there is any library by the name of “Makhatab-e-Sultania” in Istanbul Turkey. Even the language/ dialect is fake as proved by above examples, hence All these characters are fictitious work of P N Oak."

    My Response :

    Mektebi Sultaniye or Mektebi Sultani (Or Makhthab-e Sultania) is the nick name of Galatasaray Lisesi and the address and phone and fax numbers of Galatasaray Lisesi is as follows.

    Galatasaray Lisesi, Kuloglu Mahallesi İstiklâl Cad. No: 159, 34430 Beyoğlu - İSTANBUL
    Phone: +(0212) 249 11 00
    Fax : + (0212) 252 17 52

    1. Lol. That's a school. Just sayin'. Your logic is false. Your religion an even bigger falsity. May Allah Guide you.

    2. Do your research. It has nothing called 'Sayer ul Okul' or anything of that regard. Doubt it so much give the number a call guy. Clear your misconceptions.

